Customised and Targeted Health Screening
We believe health screening is one of the core pillars of preventive medicine. Through Dr Thang's experience, he has customised these health packages for those who want an ease of mind.
If you want more individualised screening tests that are not listed below, we are happy to guide you through our wide selection.
Call or WhatsApp 6962 1362. Speak to our friendly medical team and make an appointment.
Check with us regarding your health concerns, risk factors, family and medical history before deciding on which health package or screening test to take.
We are happy to offer our new patients these Health Screening packages (Nett and no GST). This offer is for all Singaporeans, Permanent Residents, and foreigners, regardless of age, gender, or pre-existing conditions.
All health screening packs include:
- Height and weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Professional Nurse evaluation
- Doctor’s consultation and lifestyle counselling in person (please refer to details on each health screening pack)
Stay healthy. Let us identify your risk factors so that we can offer you more targeted, timely and individualised advice, and plans to manage your health. Please refer to individual package for details!
Click here to find out what are the things you need to do before health screening
Essential Bronze Health Screening
This is a combination for patients who want to screen for basic kidney, diabetes, cholesterol, red blood levels and urine screening. This includes screening for high blood pressure.
- Filmless Chest X-Ray (无胶片胸部X光) ^
- 12-Lead Resting ECG (12导联心电图)
- Full Blood Count (全血细胞计数)
- Complete Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇小组)
- Diabetes Panel, including HBA1C (糖尿病专家组)
- Full Liver Function Test (肝脏面板)
- Full Kidney Function Test (肾脏面板)
- Arthritis Panel, including Uric Acid (关节炎专家组包括尿酸)
- Urine FEME, Microscopy (尿液显微镜)
- Urine Protein Tests (尿蛋白测试)
- Cardiac Risk - HS-CRP (心脏风险)

Essential Silver Health Screening
Silver screening is more comprehensive than Bronze screening with Liver and Colon cancer markers. In addition, you get arthritis panel with uric acid, thryoid Free T4, and Hepatitis A & B panel.
- Filmless Chest X-Ray (无胶片胸部X光) ^
- 12-Lead Resting ECG (12导联心电图)
- Full Blood Count (全血细胞计数)
- Complete Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇小组)
- Diabetes Panel, including HBA1C (糖尿病专家组)
- Full Liver Function Test (肝脏面板)
- Full Kidney Function Test (肾脏面板)
- Arthritis Panel, including Uric Acid (关节炎专家组包括尿酸)
- Hepatitis A & B Panel (甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎专家组)
- Thyroid Hormones: Free T4 (甲状腺素)
- Urine FEME, Microscopy (尿液显微镜)
- Urine Protein Tests (尿蛋白测试)
- Cardiac Risk - HSCRP (心脏风险)
- Liver Cancer Marker - Alpha Fetoprotein, AFP (甲胎蛋白)
- Colon Cancer Marker - Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA (癌胚抗原)

Essential Gold Health Screening
Gold screening is a step-up from Silver screening. It has cancer markers, hormone testing and more comprehensive kidney tests. An ECG is also part of Gold screening to give a better insight into your cardiac health.
- Filmless Chest X-Ray (无胶片胸部X光) ^
- 12-Lead Resting ECG (12导联心电图)
- Eye tests - Ishihara test and Snellen chart test (眼睛检查 - 石原氏色盲检测图和斯内伦视力表)
- Full Blood Count (全血细胞计数)
- Complete Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇小组)
- Diabetes Panel, including HBA1C (糖尿病专家组)
- Full Liver Function Test (肝脏面板)
- Full Kidney Function Test (肾脏面板)
- Arthritis Panel, including Uric Acid (关节炎专家组包括尿酸)
- Rheumatoid Factor (风湿病小组)
- Hepatitis A & B Panel (甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎专家组)
- Vitamin D Deficiency Test (维生素 D,总量)
- Thyroid Hormones: Free T4 (甲状腺素)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (促甲状腺激素)
- Urine FEME, Microscopy (尿液显微镜)
- Urine Protein Tests (尿蛋白测试)
- Stool Occult Blood Test (大便潜血)
- Cardiac Risk - HSCRP (心脏风险)
- Liver Cancer Marker - Alpha Fetoprotein, AFP (甲胎蛋白)
- Colon Cancer Marker - Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA (癌胚抗原)
- Pancreas Cancer Marker - CA 19.9 (胰腺癌)
- Ovarian Cancer Marker - CA 125 (卵巢癌)
- Prostate Cancer Marker - PSA (前列腺癌)

Essential Platinum Health Screening
Platinum screening offers a full suite of essential health screening and cancer markers. It also includes an ultrasound of any part of your body (except heart). Platinum screening gives you a broad overview and yet detailed information about your health.
- Choose one part to Ultrasound Scan (选择超声波扫描一个部位) : Thyroid, Neck, Abdomen, Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Pelvis, Breasts, Scrotum, Prostate, or Lumps. (甲状腺、颈部、腹部、肾脏、膀胱、骨盆、乳房、阴囊、前列腺、肿块) ^
- Or choose Bone Mineral Density Test (或选择骨密度扫描)
- Filmless Chest X-Ray (无胶片胸部X光) ^
- 12-Lead Resting ECG (12导联心电图)
- Full Blood Count (全血细胞计数)
- Complete Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇小组)
- Diabetes Panel, including HBA1C (糖尿病专家组)
- Full Liver Function Test (肝脏面板)
- Full Kidney Function Test (肾脏面板)
- Arthritis Panel, including Uric Acid (关节炎专家组包括尿酸)
- Rheumatoid Factor (风湿病小组)
- Hepatitis A & B Panel (甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎专家组)
- Hepatitis C Antibody (丙型肝炎抗体)
- Thyroid Hormones: Free T4 (甲状腺素)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (促甲状腺激素)
- Urine FEME, Microscopy (尿液显微镜)
- Urine Protein Tests (尿蛋白测试)
- Stool Occult Blood Test (大便潜血)
- Cardiac Risk - HSCRP (心脏风险)
- Vitamin D, Total (维生素 D,总量)
- Liver Cancer Marker - Alpha Fetoprotein, AFP (甲胎蛋白)
- Colon Cancer Marker - Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA (癌胚抗原)
- Pancreas Cancer Marker - CA 19.9 (胰腺癌)
- Ovarian Cancer Marker - CA 125 (卵巢癌)
- Prostate Cancer Marker - PSA (前列腺癌)
- Nose Cancer Marker - EBV EA – IgA (爱泼斯坦-巴尔)

Essential Diamond Health Screening
Diamond screening offers a full suite of essential health screening, male/female hormones, and cancer markers, plus two ultrasound of any part of your body (except heart).
- Choose two Ultrasound Scan parts (选择超声波扫描两个部位) : Thyroid, Neck, Abdomen, Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Pelvis, Breasts, Scrotum, Prostate, or Lumps. (甲状腺、颈部、腹部、肾脏、膀胱、骨盆、乳房、阴囊、前列腺、肿块) ^
- Or choose Mammogram, Ultrasound Breasts and Bone Mineral Density for $1,000 (或选择乳房X光, 乳房超声波扫描, 骨密度扫描 费用为 S$1,000)
- Filmless Chest X-Ray (无胶片胸部X光) ^
- 12-Lead Resting ECG (12导联心电图)
- Full Blood Count (全血细胞计数)
- Complete Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇小组)
- Diabetes Panel, including HBA1C (糖尿病专家组)
- Full Liver Function Test (肝脏面板)
- Full Kidney Function Test (肾脏面板)
- Arthritis Panel, including Uric Acid (关节炎专家组包括尿酸)
- Rheumatoid Factor (风湿病小组)
- Hepatitis A & B Panel (甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎专家组)
- Hepatitis C Antibody (丙型肝炎抗体)
- Thyroid Hormones: Free T4 (甲状腺素)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (促甲状腺激素)
- Urine FEME, Microscopy (尿液显微镜)
- Urine Protein Tests (尿蛋白测试)
- Stool Occult Blood Test (大便潜血)
- Cardiac Risk - HSCRP (心脏风险)
- Vitamin D, Total (维生素 D,总量)
- Male/Female Hormone Profile (男性或女性荷尔蒙)
- Liver Cancer Marker - Alpha Fetoprotein, AFP (甲胎蛋白)
- Colon Cancer Marker - Carcinoembryonic Antigen, CEA (癌胚抗原)
- Pancreas Cancer Marker - CA 19.9 (胰腺癌)
- Ovarian Cancer Marker - CA 125 (卵巢癌)
- Prostate Cancer Marker - PSA (前列腺癌)
- Nose Cancer Marker - EBV EA – IgA (爱泼斯坦-巴尔)
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