
National Recommended Vaccines

We provide vaccinations for adults and children (above 6 months old). Please call to enquire on vaccine availability.

Eligible Singaporean children and adults can use MediSave, CHAS, Merdeka, or Pioneer Generation to pay for vaccinations under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) and National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS). Vaccines include:

  • Influenza (Fluarix Tetra)
  • Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13, PCV13)
  • Pneumococcal (Pneumovax 23, PPSV23 – above 18 years old)
  • Hepatitis B (Engerix B for Adults)

Additional Support for Merdeka and Pioneer Generation Card Holders

At A Healing Heart Medical Clinic, we encourage Merdeka (aged 65 years and above) and Pioneer Generation card holders to take the following nationally recommended vaccinations. We give additional support to this group of patients. They pay:

Vaccine Pioneer Generation Merdeka Generation (65 and above)
Influenza $0 $0
Hepatitis B $0 $0
Pneumococcal PCV13 $16 $31
Pneumococcal PPSV23 $0 $0
Note: No GST. Includes consultation. Price depends on subsidy eligibility.
Healthier SG: Fully subsidised for those eligible and enrolled at our clinic for HealthierSG

Check Eligibility on Subsidies for National Recommended Vaccinations

Under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) and National Adult Immunisation Programme (NAIS), Singaporean children and adults can benefit from subsidies for recommended vaccinations when they take their vaccinations at CHAS GP clinics.

The subsidies framework for vaccination in the NCIS and NAIS begun on 1st November 2020. The subsidies under NCIS and NAIS are based on age, gender, medical conditions, and vaccination history. Singaporean children and adults can check the HealthHub website for the out-of-pocket amount.

Eligible Singaporean adults can opt to use MediSave for the remaining out-of-pocket cost. For patients aged 60 years and older, they can tap on Flex-MediSave.

Please provide your personal details (e.g. Full name, NRIC, etc.) after you have booked an appointment. We will check your vaccination eligibility subsidy to verify if you meet the age, gender and vaccination hisotry criteria set by the government. If you are not eligible for government subsidy, we will inform you beforehand and check if you would still like to proceed with the appointment.

Other Vaccines Available at the Clinic

We also provide other vaccinations that guard against HPV, Hepatitis A and B, shingles, and pneumonia. Please note that you cannot use MediSave or CHAS for these vaccines, and pre-payment may be required. They are:

  • Gardasil 9
  • Twinrix
  • Shingrix
  • Apexxnar

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Those aged 65 years and above are recommended to get the influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations. Influenza vaccine is recommended annually or per season. Pneumococcal vaccines (PCV13 and PPSV23) are recommended one dose of each vaccine with a one-year interval between PCV13 and PPSV23.

  • We have vaccines for influenza, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B. We also have Gardasil9, Twinrix, Shingrix vaccines and other vaccines upon request. Not all vaccines are suitable for children. Some vaccines may require pre-payment. Do check with our friendly staff.

  • Only eligible Singaporean adults and children are subsidised for influenza, pneumococcal and hepatitis B vaccines. Singaporean adults may need to have pre-existing conditions to qualify for subsidies. Subsidies under NCIS and NAIS are based on age, gender, medical conditions, and vaccination history.

  • Vaccines for use in Singapore are registered with the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). All vaccines can have side effects. The effects range from low-grade fever or pain, and redness at the injection spot but most mild side effects resolve on their own. Severe side effects are very rare.

  • Singaporeans can access their vaccination records via HealthHub using their Singpass. Those who are born before 1996 can only view records under the NAIS given on or after 1st Nov 2017. Please visit

Gardasil 9
  • Gardasil 9 helps protect individuals ages 9 to 45 against diseases caused by 9 high risk strains of HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58:

    - Anal cancer, certain head, and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers and genital warts in both males and females

    - Cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in females

  • For persons 9 through 14 years old, they are given a 2-dose or 3-dose schedule. For persons 15 through 45 years old, they are given a 3-dose schedule
    For adults 3 dose schedule: Over a span of 6 months -1st dose will be taken as 0-month, 2nd dose to be given two months after 1st dose and 3rd dose to be given 4 months after 2nd dose.

  • Protection against infections with the targeted HPV types has been found to last for at least 6 years with Gardasil 9. This reported duration may increase in future as more data arise from future studies.

  • Twinrix is a combination of both Hepatitis A and B vaccines in each injection. Twinrix vaccine help adults prevent hepatitis A and B diseases.

  • You need 3 doses of Twinrix over a span of 6 months - 1st dose will be taken as 0 month, 2nd dose to be given one month after 1st dose and 3rd dose to be given 4 months after 2nd dose.

  • When you complete the Twinrix vaccines, your protection will likely last for at least 15 years for Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.

  • Shingrix is a second-generation vaccine to prevent shingles (herpes zoster) in adults 50 years and older. It is not used to prevent chickenpox. Shingles occur in patients who have had chickenpox in their younger years. Usually, shingles are very painful and can occur in places such as around eyes, ears or mouth which may even affect our eyesight or hearing. Shingrix can help to reduce risk of shingles by up to 90% which is superior to 1st generation of herpes zoster vaccines.

  • Adults 50 years and older should get two doses of Shingrix, separated by 2 to 6 months. It is recommended for adults 19 years and older or patients weakened immune systems because of therapy or disease to get two doses of Shingrix.

  • The effects of Shingrix vaccine last for at least four years in most people. This reported duration may increase in future as more data arise from future studies.

  • Apexxnar is a pneumococcal vaccine given to adults (aged 18 years and above) to prevent disease like pneumonia (lung infection), sepsis or bacteraemia (bacteria in the blood stream) and meningitis (inflammation around the brain) caused by 20 types of the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae.

    Apexxnar provides protection against 20 types of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. The vaccine works by helping the body to make its own antibodies.

  • Apexxnar is to be administered as a single dose to indivduals 18 years of age and older. You only need one dose.

  • Appexnar vaccine is currently not subsidised by the Singapore government.

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